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CORE Charter School


Personalized Learning

When we ask “Why Personalized Learning?” we are really asking two questions.

1. Why do we call this method of education Personalized Learning?
2. Why would someone choose Personalized Learning?

Personalized Learning for Student Success

What is the method of Personalized Learning?
Personalized Learning is an approach to education that tailors learning according to the individual needs of each student. The Personalized Learning approach to education has evolved over the past decade through the growing public charter school movement in California and incorporates many of the latest educational research results as to how children learn successfully.
        The Personalized Learning system of education followed by CORE is a unique, blended classroom and non-classroom-based public educational model. On the leading edge, it honors and recognizes the unique gifts, skills, passions, and attributes of each child. The intent is to engage each child in the learning process in the most productive and meaningful way in order to optimize each child's learning potential and success.
        The key attributes that comprise the Personalized Learning model are based upon the latest educational research findings that demonstrates how students learn most successfully, including a strong emphasis on parental involvement, smaller class sizes, one-on-one teacher/student interaction, attention to differences in learning styles, student-driven participation in developing the learning process, technology access, varied learning environments, teacher and parent development programs, and choices in curriculum programs.
        No other educational model offered in today's public education system has integrated these proven educational research results in such an in-depth and comprehensive manner to serve the diverse needs of today's public education students.
Why choose Personalized Learning?

    Education research confirms beyond any semblance of doubt that not all students are able to learn successfully at the same pace, with the same approach, in the same environment, on the same path, and in the same style and manner. Research confirms that every individual assimilates information according to his or her own unique learning style, need, and interest. Learning styles vary. Some people are visual learners, others learn by auditory means, others kinesthetically. Some people learn at a faster pace, others need more time. Some people are distracted when trying to learn in a noisy environment with 30+ other kids. Some people feel intimidated or unsafe in a large classroom environment. Motivation to learn varies significantly from student to student as do interests and passions.
    CORE honors every student as an individual, with a distinct learning style, learning pace, learning path, and learning aspiration. Research confirms that children look to their parents as their primary role models for learning. Parents, in turn, are ultimately responsible for guiding their child's learning and education. CORE embraces parent involvement and participation in their children's education and learning process and values ongoing teacher development training. We support a collaborative relationship between parent, student, teacher, and school in creating an optimal learning process. We also support a variety of learning choices and opportunities, both within and beyond the classroom, to address each student's individual learning needs and optimize each student's learning potential.

How it works?

    Parents, students and teachers team together for success. At the time of enrollment, a credentialed teacher works with the family to conduct a pre-enrollment interview and define Independent Study requirements along with the student's educational goals. Curriculum and class options are discussed, including computer-based or more traditional methods. Graduation requirements and college or vocational goals are reviewed. A plan is then established that integrates California State content standards with the desired methods and approaches to learning.

State-Certified Diploma & WASC Accreditation
State-Certified Diploma:
Our Charter School is a California public school and a state-certified diploma will be issued upon completion of graduation requirements. College preparatory and general courses are available.
WASC Accreditation:
CORE is accredited by The Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).
At CORE, students meet regularly with credentialed teachers to maintain the same standards, ethics and quality control as other schools in the traditional setting. Teachers, parents and the students meet a minimum of twice every 22 days but more frequent meetings may be agreed upon at the time of enrollment. Teachers, parents and students review and evaluate the student work and assign student work for the next assignment period. Parents and students may request to meet with their teachers on a weekly basis at any time during the school year.

Our charter school meets district and state standards for the operation of an independent study school model.

Unique Key Components

1. Parents are strongly encouraged and supported to be actively involved in their children’s education and to take personal responsibility for ensuring that their children are learning successfully.
2. We follow a "hybrid' or "multi-strand" approach to education. For high school students, the program is similar to a university type model. Our school provides a wide variety of curriculum choices, attention to individual learning styles, technology learning access, and a variety of learning environments and opportunities both within and beyond the classroom so that learning programs may be tailored according to the individual needs and preferences of each student.
3. We support and facilitate learning program development and oversight through an ongoing collaborative relationship between parents, students, teachers, the school, the greater community, and the state.
4. We are committed to reduced class sizes, generally limiting attendance to no more than 15-20 students per class.
5. We combine multiple assessment levels of student academic achievement. Certificated teachers oversee student progress toward satisfying state academic standards through the regular recording of detailed learning records, compiling extensive student work portfolios, and conducting annual state mandated testing programs.
6. We devote the majority of the school budget for the instructional benefit of the students. This includes providing students with certificated teaching expertise and oversight, technology access, and a wide variety of learning choices and environments that students need to be successful academically.
7. We emphasize dynamic teaching staff development programs that help teachers and parents learn how to tailor learning according to their student’s learning styles, needs, and aspirations.