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CORE Charter School

      Center Closed ~ Friday, February 14th, and Monday, February 17th, in honor of Presidents' Day.     
Family Resources » FAQ's


First a word about the COVID-19 Pandemic and CORE Charter.


  • Because of its Independent Study approach to learning, CORE is perfectly suited for stay-at-home orders, virtual learning, and social distancing. When schools closed in March of 2020, CORE students just kept right on learning without hardly a glitch.
  • Resources are already in your hands, a routine has been established, teachers are readily available as always, and virtual meetings accompany learning as needed. Count on CORE Charter to provide a sound education, come what may.




What are some important things to know about CORE Charter School?

Glad you asked!


  • It’s FREE! The curriculum is free, tons of resources are free, the center classes are free, and field trips are free.  FREE! 
  • It’s Personal! You design an education that fits perfectly, like a tailored suit designed for you.
  • Our Resource Center is a great place to take classes, make friends, get help, find cool stuff, and feel at home!
  • CORE earns the highest accreditation by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) at each cycle. That means we continue to serve students well.
  • We get high school students ready for college or the career of their dreams. Most high school courses are UC a-g approved. Career Pathways offer real world learning.

What are your TK-12 program options?

We have quite a variety of school options.  Take a look!


All Grades:

  • Home Study Exclusive ~ This option includes the use of a computer, tutoring, curriculum and special orders, field trips and funds for community classes.
  • Blended Learning ~ This option includes a combination choice of home study courses, Resource Center classes, workshops, computer, field trips and funds for community classes and tutoring.
  • Distance Learning ~ This option supports the student largely through online learning including web-based courses, virtual classrooms and student/teacher interaction over a device screen. And as always take advantage of the Resource Center, computers, and field trips!


High School:

  • Career Technical Education (CTE) ~ This college and career ready option is a Blended Learning option with pre-designed electives toward a career pathway completion and certification.


How does Personalized Learning work?

Lots and lots of different ways. 


  • Customize curriculum, assignments, schedules, set personal goals, direct passions and plan for an amazing future. Learn at home, at the center, online, in the community or a little bit of it all.
  • Collaborate together often with a teacher to talk about learning, make sure things are going well and work out the kinks.
  • Get involved in clubs, internships, community classes, field trips, student government, volunteer service, school events. You won’t be bored!
  • Do it your way, in your time, with people who care.

Can I enroll today?

Yes!  Here’s how:


Call or go to our website
  1. (Click enrollment information) Let us know you are interested.
  2. Complete Online Registration.
  3. Submit Requested Documents.
  4. Expect a call from a Personalized Learning Teacher, PLT, who will schedule a meeting to talk about specifics with parents/guardians and students.
  5. Sign a learning plan called a Master Agreement.


Violá... You're Enrolled! 

CORE holds a public random drawing (lottery) when interest exceeds capacity. Otherwise, enrollment is based on a first come, first served basis until enrollment is full.


And what about immunizations? 

Good question.


As a public California charter school, we adhere to the immunization guidelines set forth by SB 277.  However, as an Independent Study, non-classroom based program, the law does not require us to enforce vaccinations.  However, it is possible that things could change at any time, which would restrict non-vaccinated students from participating in our learning center support classes.


When can my TK enroll?

Since you’re anxious to get going, here’s what you need to know.


  • If your 4-year-old turns 5 on or before September 1st, he/she can be an official Kindergartner.
  • If the 5th birthday is between September 2nd and February 2nd, he/she can be a Transitional Kindergartner.
  • Transitional Kindergarteners can begin Kindergarten the following year.


Do you offer Special Education services?

Yes we do!  We do Special Ed well!


Our program adheres to both federal and state Special Education legal requirements.  Most importantly, we have caring staff that seek to meet the needs of students with IEPs.


Can you help me with graduation?

That is our goal!  Look at this graduation low-down.


  • First, check out our Graduation Requirements in our High School Catalog at You should definitely give this page a once-over.
  • Notice the many UC a-g approved courses as well as Honor courses. Take the PSAT and SAT right here at CORE then hop right into a 4-year university. If the military is your admirable goal, we also offer the ASVAB test for students who aim to serve our country.
  • Our High School Counselor will meet personally with you and plan your life.
  • Workshops teach you how to file for FAFSA, apply for grants and scholarships, prepare for placement exams, and register for concurrent college courses.
  • Choose a Career Pathway and become certified or earn college credits in a technical field. Graduate ready to get the job you want.  Boom!
  • Gain on-the-job experience through an Internship before graduation. What?!
  • Sharpen your skills, pursue your passions, GET AHEAD!
  • Then, put on your cap & gown and strut the graduation stage to celebrate your SUCCESS with family and friends!

Tell me about your teachers.

How long do you have?


  • Our teachers hold California teaching credentials, of course.
  • Our teachers are committed to parent choice, understanding the student and family circumstances and building a workable, professional relationship. Flexibility is their middle name. 
  • Our teachers think outside the box. They like to go deeper, get their hands messy, build, explore, research, close the textbooks, and learn in whatever way works best. 
  • Our teachers are encouragers. While they hold students and parents accountable, they will guide the way to success.
  • Our highly qualified teachers in specific content areas, our high school counselor, and our administrators are on the sidelines ready for action.


What role does the parent play?

You are the Director of the show!


  • Parents at CORE choose Personalized Learning because they want to be very involved in their student’s education, making sure it is meaningful and the days are well spent.
  • Parents at CORE make a sacrifice to spend their days learning alongside their students. They are the reason Personalized Learning works!
  • Besides teaching, parents plan innovative learning projects, grade the schoolwork (using answer keys), help students prepare for meetings with their PLT, and lots of other cool learning stuff.
  • Parents join students on field trips and Resource Center events. They get involved with fund-raisers and hosting clubs. They are the key people behind the scenes.

How will I know what’s going on at the Resource Center?

You don’t need to worry about that.  We’ve got ya covered.


  • Parent Square email announcements about all kinds of happenings magically appear in your inbox—All. The. Time.
  • Check the website. Bookmark it.
  • PLTs and front desk superheroes inform, remind and answer your questions.
  • Did you know CORE has a FB page? If you follow social media, this is your go-to.
  • Join CORE’s Parent Club and be the first to know!
  • Flyers, banners, Google Classroom, Google links, front desk sign-ups, phone calls, parent/student portal, and too much more.


My friend told me about EU funds.  What is that?

More resources!


At CORE, Educational Units (EUs) are funds that allow students to take advantage of specialized community classes. Our school works with a wide variety of Community Partners to provide greater opportunities for your child’s educational growth.



Click here to search our Community Partners

You’ll want to ask more about it when you meet with a teacher.



Is there anything that CORE doesn’t do well?

Not much…but actually, yes, a couple of things.


  • CORE does not accommodate the quick recovery of high school credits well. But, hold on! Students may stay with us an additional semester or more. We take our time and make sure an education is valuable, and the student is ready for a career or college. 
  • CORE is not great at team sports… but we’re working on it. Parents take the role as coaches.